Monday, September 6, 2010

Sakineh Ashtiani-Iranian Woman To Be Stoned To Death!

September 06-2010:

Sakineh Ashtiani-Iranian Woman To Be Stoned To Death!

Iran's government is denying reports that an Iranian woman convicted of adultery will be executed by stoning, though her death sentence may still be carried out by some other method.

In the Islamic republic's first public statement on the case of Sakineh Mohammedie Ashtiani, 42, the Iranian Embassy in London, England, said Thursday that "this mission denies the false news aired in this respect and ... according to information from the relevant judicial authorities in Iran, she will not be executed by stoning punishment.


This is just another one of those primitive, backyard, and savage Islamic Judicial procedures, that several Islamic countries still maintain. SHARIA law is another one of these punitive procedures, that is also gaining momentum and advocates for the Taliban radical elements.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Let Us Celebrate The Internet's 40Th Year Of Service

Let Us Celebrate The Internet's 40Th Year Of Service To All Users & Bloggers!

And Let Us Keep vigilant For Any State, Government, Or Organization That Want To Prevent Us From FREELY Accessing This Vital Medium Of Communication Worldwide.

Petition Against NEW US CYBER SECURITY BILL S.773!
Go To and petition your political representative there please!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

IRANIANS Where Are Your So-Called Leaders Now?

August 25-2009:

IRANIANS-Where Are Your So-Called Leaders Now?

When the National Opposition Supporters revolt was taking place, all those who called themselves leaders of the revolt, came on board, and encouraged the resistance to continue.

Now that they have been arrested, and threatened with their lives, they all cringe in FEAR and COWARDICE.

Is this the kind of leadership that NEDA and so many hundreds died for, fought for, and struggled for, during the crisis recently?

Is this the kind of leadership that wants to reform the system or governance in Iran?

Is this the kind of leadership you can believe in, expect to be represented by, and protect you in times of crisis?

I say NO. These so-called leaders are now stomping at the pit, begging for mercy, and trying to save their own skin, at the expense of all those who suffered and believed it was worth the struggle.

SHAME-SHAME-SHAME on you all. You have allowed your own self-interest, self preservation, and family interests, to overshadow something that was and still is bigger than your COWARDLY actions.

All those hundreds of Iranians who took to the streets, believed in what they were doing.

That was why they took the risks they took, believing that their leaders would be there for them at the end.

Now we see Wholesale COWARDICE and weakness, that warrants PITY and REVULSION from all those who supported the revolt internally and globally!

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Heart Bleeds For NEDA & IRAN Today!

June 21-2009:

My Heart Bleeds For NEDA & IRAN Today!

IRANIANS do not allow the Police Thugs to attack you without fighting back.

Peaceful protest does not mean allowing yourself to be brutalized.

The Security Forces in Iran tried to block different segments

of the revolting population from uniting together.

But failed miserably. And now there is a National United Front

What we have here is The Rights Of The Citizenry

Versus The State Of Iran?

I saw a woman bled to death on the street of Tehran,

she bled profusely from the mouth, and died.

But this same woman could not have walked alongside the men

in ordinary times.



Saturday, June 20, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

June 20-2009:

  Wev'e Got Your Back Brothers & Sisters In Iran!

Iranians, if you see The PIGS coming-Stay Firm:

If you see The Ayatollah's THUGS-Stay Firm.

And if you see The DEVIL Himself-Stay Firm!

IRANIANS Versus The Barbarity Of the State!:

What we have here are the Rights of the Citizenry, versus The Barbarity of the State.

Fight back with Anything You Can Get Hold Of, To Protect Yourselves in this Struggle.

Om Shanti.

A Reconing Will Ensue At The End Of This Barbarity!

At the end of this national revolt. There will be a RECONING for all of those who gave the order to shoot and kill the innocents.


Iran's Motor Cycle Security-El Queda Thugs!

June 20-2009:

Iran's Motor Cycle Security-El Queda Thugs!

Have you noticed how the Iran Special Police Thugs on motor cycles speed into the crowds of innocent Iranians, lashing all in their path, as though they were bulls being rounded up for slaughter!

These photos reminded me of the El Queda training Camps in Afghanistan, where Asama Bin Laden's terrorists were being trained.

Is this the kind of Police Muscle that the Iranian government expects to use against it's citizens in the coming weeks or months?

If this is the case, I urge all concerned Bloggers, Advocates, and Humanitarians globally, to continue to PUSH for Freedom, Democracy, Justice under the Law, and the Ousting of the Clerics, especially the so-called Supreme Leader/Ayatollah NOW!
